Become a Member


How does membership benefit your organization?

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Who is eligible t0 become a member?

To be considered for membership in the Armenian Medical International Committee, organizations must submit the online application. Admission into AMIC is subject to approval by the AMIC board of directors. Organizations that fulfill the requirements for membership and pays the dues will become a member in good standing of the committee.

What are The Membership Requirements?

In order to be considered for membership in the Armenian Medical International Committee, submit the online application for membership. Admission into AMIC is subject to approval by the AMIC board of directors. Organizations that fulfill the requirements for membership and pays the dues will become a member in good standing of the committee.

How Can our organization join AMIC?

In order to be considered for membership in the Armenian Medical International Committee, submit the online application for membership. Admission into AMIC is subject to approval by the AMIC board of directors. Organizations that fulfill the requirements for membership and pays the dues will become a member in good standing of the committee.

Application for AMIC membership
Annual Membership dues are US $500.00 per organization. Approval of your application is subject to AMIC board review. We will notify you once a decision is made. 
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